Wednesday, March 7, 2012

October 16, 2011 Dear Ghost of School Past,

Dear Ghost of School Past,
We had our first parent/guide conference for Alex at Abintra today and I thought about all the schools I went to.  I remember being told things like I was a good student, I was a good athlete and I was a good kid.

I don't remember ever being told that I was a good learner, I was excited to learn and I helped others learn.

Every time Irma and I talk to the guides or attend a school function we get more excited about the education our boys are receiving.

The schools I went to were labeled "good."  Perhaps their test scores were above average and perhaps a high percentage of the graduates did go on to college.

However, I'd label my education mediocre and boring.  I don't remember a single teacher inspiring me to care enough to do the bare minimum to get my B average.   A couple moments here and there, sure.  But nothing sustained.

My boys are five and three.  They love learning.  They love exploring.  (And as I was told today, Alex is very social).

I don't want any of that to change.

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