Friday, September 25, 2009

September 20, 2009 Dear Alex,

Dear Alex,
Your growing up so fast.

The last few days you've started insisting to eat your breakfast cereal out of a bowl with a spoon. You grunt and point to my bowl and when I give you a spoonful you take it out of my hand and feed yourself. The food goes into your mouth, into your hair and onto your shirt. But you are happy.

You want to do whatever your brother does:

You've learned the secret of the magic mirror - that after bath time there is something hidden in there for Max. Now after bath you insist on opening up the mirror too.

You've also started brushing your own teeth: you put the brush in your mouth and you move it around.

You also are getting closer to walking. Today you stood on your own for what seemed like 15 seconds. You frequently stand up and with your hands on the couch or wall work your way around to where you want to go. When mama or I hold your hands you smile big as you walk.

Perhaps I imagined it or twisted my hearing, but I thought this week I hear you say dada.

Your relationship with your brother is remarkable. Of course there are times he pulls things out of your hands and you get upset. Mainly though the two of you hug and play like best friends. Max is mostly patient and carrying toward you. A couple days ago when he got out of the car for school he hugged and kissed you without me saying anything. He often brings you toys to make sure you are happy.

And you continue to be the accommodating brother and child. Frequently when Max takes your the toy you're playing with or when mama or I pull you down from where you're climbing, you make little resistance. I'm going to miss the baby you. And I can't wait to see the grown up you!

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