Friday, August 12, 2011

July 11, 2011 - Dear Coach Taylor

Dear Coach Taylor,
I know you're a fictional tv character, but where were you when I was playing high school football? Heck, where were you when I was playing any sport?

I'm still not over the disappointment of my high school athletic career thirty-plus years after graduating. I'll spare y'all the details and the whining. All I'll say here is that I wish I had a coach like Friday Night Lights Coach Taylor. I wish I had someone who believed in me, pushed me and got me to reach whatever was my highest potential.

I hope that my boys find some real role models along the way whether they be coaches, teachers, artists, poets or builders.

I have no idea what my boys will become interested in or talented at. I just hope they have someone who will encourage and mentor them along the way.

And I hope that I provide the support they'll need.

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