Sunday, September 5, 2010

August 23, 2010 - Dear Alex,

Dear Alex,
These two years have gone so fast. Seems like you've been part of our family forever. Sometimes I think you fit in so well, you might not get the attention you deserve.

You constantly amaze me. I know that you're listening and learning all the time. Yet it amazes me when I see you do something or say something that I know you learned from watching your brother or listening to us.

You look so much like your brother yet you definitely have your own personality. He's your hero. He's your best friend. And, yes, sometimes he's your tormentor: nothing big; just takes your toys or your stuffed animals or such.

In lots of ways you and your relationship with Max reminds me of me. I had an older brother who looked like me and having the instant competition probably pushed me to do stuff more quickly. Yet there were certainly times it would have been nice to be the older one who got to set the rules. Your mama and I try to make sure you get alone time with both or one of us. In these moments you seem more mature and more in charge.

At this point you're into your babies (stuffed animals), agua de coco and exploring anything new. You've grown from being the baby to the Big Guy. You like to play sports -- yet not as much as your brother. You love books. You love your family. You have an infectious laugh. And -- like your brother -- you are beautiful.

This next year should be a big one for you. We're building a new house. You're starting school (first day care and then a year from now you'll likely be with Max at Montessori school). And you'll fully grasp speaking.

I love my Big Guy. I already miss my baby. And I look forward to seeing the man you become.

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