Dear Alex,
It's been awhile since I've written. Time to give a picture of who you are.
You're still this incredible determined, happy, curious boy. You want to do everything -- especially everything that your brother does. You copy him. You join him. You love him. And yes, sometimes you annoy him.
I see you doing some things your brother did when he was young and I see you trying to do things your brother does now. One of your favorite things is to put together the snaps on your booster chair. A long time ago you learned the family head butt and to give five. Now you're putting your whole fist in the air as your attempt at the thumbs up. When Max shows us how strong he is by making a muscle, you follow by putting out your arm.
Your even determined in your sleep. After bath, mama feeds you and you fall asleep and she puts you into your crib. Within a couple hours, you wake up crying. Usually it's now me who gets you. I went through a faze where I could only get you to sleep on the couch (just like Max way back when). Now I usually lay you down in bed with your brother. I stay with you while you cry and wiggle until find your "comfortable place." Sometimes when you fall asleep, I fall asleep with the two of you. Sometimes I put you back into your crib. And sometimes -- like tonight -- I leave you with your brother and go do something else -- like update your blogs.
The crying in bed doesn't wake up Max (he must've got that heavy sleeping from me). But there are times you annoy him. Mostly when you take something he wants or we insist he share something he has.
Mostly though, he loves you. He cuddles with you. He gives you things. He makes sure we get you what you want. And he says "I love you Alex."
You recently started saying a new word: "ah oh."
You smile a lot. I love when I come home and I see you walking from the other room to greet me with a big smile -- and with something in your hand. You like carrying things. Yesterday, mama made you a smoothie and you carried the empty cup around much of the evening.
Setptember 10, 2012
12 years ago
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